How can I cancel my services ?

We take client satisfaction very seriously and will do everything we can to ensure that you have a great hosting experience. If you do, however, wish to cancel one or more of your services with us, you can do so by following the below instructions:


1) Login to your client account by clicking here

2) Click on the Services link followed by My Services

3) Click on the View Details button next to the service(s) that you wish to cancel

4) Click on the Management Actions tab followed by the Cancel Service link. 


You must then enter a reason for cancelling your service(s). We review all comments and ask that you may your comment as constructive as possible since this allows us to work on and improve in the area that dissatisfied you. Of course, you may be cancelling for other reasons.

Finally, choose whether you wish for the cancellation to happen Immediately (Within 24 hours) or at your due date and then click on the Cancel Service button.

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